Thursday, July 01, 2010

Interesting Health Quote on Ayurvedic Medicine

When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need. - Ayurvedic Proverb

I first became interested in Ayurvedic medicine when one of my sons developed a bad case of night sweats. He was so hot at night he could not get to sleep, and then was so tired in the morning he couldn't go to school. He had to be home schooled for a few weeks. During this time we took him to many conventional doctors, few had any clue as to what was wrong with him. I searched the Internet and found out that he had been drinking ginger ale for an upset stomach, and in Ayurvedic medicine ginger was classified as a a warming spice.

The Ayurvedic solution was to give him milk, bananas and broccoli which were said to be "cooling foods". After he was on this diet he got better very quickly. Now I search my Ayurvedic and other holistic health books first for answers before going to the regular doctors. I used to go to the local health food store and look through their alternative health book library, but these days I have a more extensive collection of alternative health books than they do.